nba季后赛_直播中超联赛视频直播_亚洲杯中国出线_足球联合会杯 - nba2021年总冠军

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Partnership and Cooperation

Australia International Trade Association has established friendly and cooperative relations with over 50 cities in China and extends the network multiple provinces thoughout China, from Inner Mongolia in Northern China to Hainan in Southern China, covering logistics andtransportation, e-commerce, craft industries, ecological industries, health, market supervision, entertainment, tourism etc. We are supported by many local governments in China and has signed cooperation agreement with many local governments and associations too.

Australia International Trade Association has organized many senior Australian government representatives, including the Speaker of the Federal Parliament, the city speaker, the Mayor, representatives of major associations and business representatives to China. The visits have greatly promoted the friendly exchanges and cooperation between all parties and the development of local economy and culture in both countries.Many government associations have sent congratulatory , appreciation letters to AITA for its efforts and contributions to China-Australia economic cooperation and exchanges, as well as to the local economic development of Australia.