nba季后赛_直播中超联赛视频直播_亚洲杯中国出线_足球联合会杯 - nba2021年总冠军

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About us
Australia International Trade Association & Associates
Australia International Trade Association & Associates (AITA & Associates) was first established in early 1990s. It is one of the largest platforms for bridging the bilateral cooperation between Australia, New Zealand and China in various fields, including but not limited to economy, trade, education, agriculture, business, culture and technology. The organization has since built many contacts and partnership agreements at government, business and community levels, and is recognized as an ambassador for two-way exchange  internationally.

SCLAA Logistics Visit to China
It is supported and recognized by the government, various organizations and individuals from industries throughout China and also acknowledged by many other countries in the world. Through the years, AITA & Associates has built a strong partnering network covering 30 provinces and established thousands of cooperation relationships with the central and local governments, organizations, associations and companies within China.


Australia-China Sister Cities Summit& Australia-China Business Summit
Based on the mutual communication between China and the World, AITA & Associates provide with professional services in a broad range of field, including:
?Bridge International Communication between Australia and China from all levels Platform for International Collaboration
?Promotion of Sister Cities Relationship & Establishment
?Promotion of Sister School Relationship & Establishment
?Comprehensive Services Provider for International Visit, Exchange, Training, Education,Business Consulting Trade & Investment, Exhibition, Convention
?Co-organize the well-known and high-quality Exhibitions & Forums in China
?Cross-border Educational Exchange
?Business Matchmaking and Cooperation
?International Trade and Investment

Australasia China Cities Summits&Business Forum
China as Guest Nation at Royal Melbourne Show 2015
Jilin City-China- Australia Promotion Conderence on Economic, Trade and Tourist Cooperation