nba季后赛_直播中超联赛视频直播_亚洲杯中国出线_足球联合会杯 - nba2021年总冠军

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Training Outside China

Professional Training

Recently with the rapid development of China's economy and the improvement of Chinese comprehensive strength, there are increasingly growing vocational training needs coming from a good number of our clients in China from government organizations, associations, enterpsies and education institutions with various topics on banking, legal& court, government management, public administration, human resources management, medical& health, environmental protection and sustainable development and so on.We customize and implement outbound short,middle and long-term training programs based on our clients' requirements by AITA Education & Career Center and so far we have collected favorable feedbacks and good comments for many successful training program cases.

AITA Education & Career Center

AITA Education & Career Center is a professional, reliable, experienced, comprehensive and service-oriented institution of education. We have gathered abundant experience in managing education programs, organizing study tour and full time study for China students in Australia and New Zealand, as well as Australasia students to China.  AITA also facilitates Chinese staffs to Australia for vocational training covering various industries.

Training Courses

Banking System Courses Education System Courses Medical& Health Courses Business System Courses
Environmental Protection & City Construction Courses Agriculture & Animal and Husbandry Courses Government Management Courses Public Administration Courses
Public Security Organs Courses Communication & Transportation Courses Industry System Courses Food & Drug Safety Supervision Courses
Human Resources Management Courses Information and Technology Courses Fiscal Taxation and Audit Courses Civil Administration System Courses
Energy& Resources Management Courses Electric Power System Courses Tourism Industry Courses Economic System Courses

Excellent Training Cases

Spokesman Training Program               Audit Training Program of              Human Resource Training program                   
of Department of Justice PRC             National Audit Office PRC              of Department of National Land Resources PRC

Welcome to Join us!  

For Twenty years, AITA has been concentrating on professional training on shore in Australia and New Zealand for Chinese Government at different levels, NGOs, enterprises and Universities & Colleges. With the support of Australasia-China Education Experts Committee and Universities, colleges and training organizations such as University of Canberra, Deakin University, University of Queensland, University of Ballarat and Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE, AITA has successfully brought over 300 training delegations which covered many industries and professions to Australia and New Zealand. AITA has signed plenty of cooperation agreements with our partners including government education departments, colleges, education and talent institutes in the purpose of strengthening overseas training programs. With strong network with Chinese government and massive client base in China, in order to better serve the needs of the business expansion of Chinese government and organizations, we hope to cooperate with more overseas training channels with excellent training resources and teaching facilities including industry associations with training centers, professional training organizations, universities and colleges, professional schools, education association and agencies, individual training professionals from the various industry sectors covering banking, railways, sports, business and etc to bring more delegations to your organizations. Come and join us in this exciting advanture! For more details pls contact us at