nba季后赛_直播中超联赛视频直播_亚洲杯中国出线_足球联合会杯 - nba2021年总冠军

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Service Center

Our Conference Center is providing the following services (including not limited)

Pre-exhibition Travel Arrangement
·Invitation letter
·Schedule plan
·Delivery of display products
·Exhibits transportation and related services
·Clear custom declaration
·Flight tickets
·Transportation in China 
·self-determined travel arrangement 
·tour guide
Exhibition Management Business Promotion
·Receive and display information material or
·Design, print and hand out brochures 
·Design and decorate booth 
·Deal with exhibition affairs with the organizing
    committee of the exhibition (promotion during the
    fair,badge collection, insurance,fire control, etc.) 

·contact & other assistant on booth 
·business matching and counseling
·pack ups 
·ship back products
·Arrange to visit related business
·Arrange special promotion conference and
    business matching
·Networking with government officials 
·legal consultations
·Registration of company or office
·personal visa solutions
Media Publicity
·Media communication services
·Planning, editing and translation
·Advertisement in the exhibition site and
    exhibition Catalogue, journal 
·Advertisement in newspapers, magazines,
    radio stations, television 
·Network publicity 
·Organizing cocktail party and news conferences