nba季后赛_直播中超联赛视频直播_亚洲杯中国出线_足球联合会杯 - nba2021年总冠军

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Leqing signed Friendship City MOU with Geraldton-Greenough

With the help and efforts of Australian International Trade Association (AITA & Associates),Leqing City Zhejiang Province China set up a friendship relationship with Geraldton-Greenough City South Australia State Australia, both delegation signed Friendship City Mou in August 2010 ACSCS. Hereby confirm both cities' interest in exploring a potential cooperative and friendship city relationship in order to enhance the exchange and cooperation in multiple fields, such as trade, business, investment, culture, education, infrastructure and technology.

The Hon Ken Smith (the chairman of ACSCS & ACBS and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Victoria)、Tony Stewart (New South Wales Parliament Secretary)、Roger Matthews (the chairman of New Zealand Sister-city Association)、the minister of Mineral Resources Department of New South Wales、the minister of Forestry Department of New South Wales and other government officals and entrepreneurs attended ACSCS, as well as witness this historic moment.