nba季后赛_直播中超联赛视频直播_亚洲杯中国出线_足球联合会杯 - nba2021年总冠军

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2016.10:Program for Queensland---China intelligent transport systems(ITS) Dialogue

Australia International Trade Association & Associates and the delegation of China intelligent transportation association jointly held the China intelligent transport systems(ITS) Dialogue at QLD Pavilion, Greeted by Mr Mike Stapleton, Deputy-Director General and Friends from QLD.
Mr Mike Stapleton, Deputy Director of Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, Senior Trade & Investment Officer, Sean Bohannon, Urban Infrastructure and Knowledge Industries attended the dialogue. The Chinese guests including Wu Zhongze, Chairman of ITS China, Guan Jizhen, Vice Secretary of General ITS China, Wang Qing, Science and technology counsellor and Hu Zhiyu, the Chinese embassy in Australia also attended the ITS Dialogue.
At the beginning of the talk, Michael Guo- CEO of Australia International Trade Association introduced VIPs from Australia and China. Both Mr Mike Stapleton from QLD and Chairman of ITS China-Wu zhongyi  had made opening remark. China intelligent transport systems(ITS) Dialogue was a great success and it has promoted the International co operation between Australia and China in the intelligent transportation and technology.