nba季后赛_直播中超联赛视频直播_亚洲杯中国出线_足球联合会杯 - nba2021年总冠军

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2015.11:Austrlian Federfal Ministers, Mayor of Sydney and Mnister of Health department in New South

On the 13th of Nov, Hon Bob Baldwin, AITA CEO Mr. Michael Guo, Director of NSW Health Robyn Burley,  Manager from Children's Cancer Institute Ms. Belamy Cheung and Pro. Li Yong from St Gorge Hospital joined the business networking dinner and had deepened discussion with the Gansu Province delegation on creating Friendship -Hospital Relation and health industry cooperation projects.
On the 16th of Nov, the Gansu delegation visited New Zealand Traditional Chinese Medicine Institute. The Chinese Consulate in Auckland sent the representative to attend the Qihuang Chinese Hospital Institute Opening ceremony.
One the same day, the Chinese General Consulate in Auckland received the Gansu Province Delegation.